Our Educational Message

Hi, and welcome to our blog. This space is designed to share ideas and methodologies that we use to teach Turkish teenagers. In particular, there is a strong focus on ICT-ELT, which means if you like visual and technological support for your style of teaching, this blog is for you. My colleague, Brentson Ramsey, has been working alongside me for three years. He is also a big proponent of the ICT-ELT Paradigm, which means he will also be posting from his own teaching perspective on the blog.

2010 was the beginning of this new journey, and although there is no definitive ICT-ELT road map available for everyone to follow, it is exciting to explore the technological means to make teaching more fun and affective for students. Our main message is for teachers to ADOPT & ADAPT the paradigm shift for their own needs, and remember that

Friday 7 March 2014

STOP MOTION: Our Educational Message

As our blog suggests, we are totally into ICT-Supported EFL teaching. So, last weekend I messaged Brentson and suggested we do some Stop-Motion activity. He loved the idea, so we went to work on our creative process.  We felt that a message or messages from the students about their year in prep-for-high school would make a great start.  We wanted to help them out by honing in on what is passionate for them and in that respect we chose: ICT, Learning English & Education in general.

I have wanted to do some Stop-Motion activities for two years now, and I knew this was the right time to introduce it. Here is what we came up with:

Step ONE
Download to your iphone or ipad the free (incredibly so) app: iMotion HD

Get accustomed to the very simple interface.  Press "New Movie", give the movie a name, press "Manual" and start shotting your stop-motion short

Here is an introduction to the activity using another app, TOUCHCAST, that we have written about before. This one though utilizes the GREEN SCREEN function (only on iphone 5s and ipadAIR), and allows you to put anything you want in the background.


We decided to have the students consider the THREE categories: ICT-Education; EDUCATION in general; LEARNING English. In order to get the students properly excited about the content as well as the quirky tech and possible outcome with the Stop-Motion videos, we felt it best to come up with the statements for two of the categories, and let them do the third.  Since Learning English is the primary objective this year, Brentson and I thought this would be the easiest for them to come up with a statement.

Here are some examples of these videos.  They are extremely short, around 5-7 secs each, but you can get the idea of how cool the activity is.  This took up most of the day and that meant, 7 periods!!!!  Brentson and I were exhausted by the end, since technology and activities like this brings out the best and the worst in teenagers.  Even though we gave them something to do while they waited to do the work, they couldn't help themselves misbehaving, making too much noise and basically moving off task.  It meant a lot of policing from us, which, as you know, is extremely exhausting. I was in bed last night by 9.30!!

We have twenty short videos that have been made into one long video with music.  This is what we can do, as teachers, using iMotion software and ICT-in-ELT...

We know that these are not the best efforts our students (and us) could have done.  But, as teachers, we are playing into the "practice makes perfect" and "never give up" philosophies.  This form of scaffolding allows students to see how they can do better next time, and we have instructed them that now they have the basics for growth, they can do their own projects for other department teachers and perhaps their own English Portfolio at the end of the year.


  1. Very interesting and very enjoyable for the kids. Were there any specific pre-set language objectives, or was the task sequence purely an intensive fluency developer?

  2. Cheers GordonD. The first two sets of statements were mine, and the students had to write them out as practice o syntax, only. Then practising with the imotion on the phones gave them the opportunity to get ready for their own statements in the third version on the final video. This was to see what they think about Learning English. So, we wanted to see them master the app, think about the two topics (ICT & Eduation in General), then reflect on how much English means to them. We oversaw their spelling, syntax etc before filming began. They really enjoyed the activity. But it took a lot of effort
